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Interview 1

I had to take another groups interview to edit for my interview because at the time I was editing I had lost my interview. While editing this interview I had learned how to cut out the interviewers voice from a long video. I also learned how to put in B-roll but at the same time I feel as though I didn't do that part very well. I believe next time I edit an interview I will be able to find better pictures for my B-roll and I will be able to put them in the right spots.

Interviewee 1

Film D.P. 1

For me all of the questions I was asked were good questions and was done as professionally as I believe it could have been for the first time being interviewed. I believe I could have been better during my interview because during the interview I was sick and I had lost my voice. Also while answering a few of the questions I laughed during my answer which couldn't have been easy to edit around. So I hope the next time I am interviewed I will be able to control my laughter a little better and be a little more professional during my Interview. 

I have not yet received the edited video of the interview that I have filmed. During that interview I believe I kept the person being interviewed in the correct spot on the screen according to the rule of thirds. I don't really know a lot of tricks with the camera yet but hopefully in the future I will know more and be able to create more powerful pieces with the camera.

Interview 2

Editing my second interview I felt as though I was getting faster at editing out the interviewers voice. I still believe that if I had some more time I would be able to find better B-roll to put into the video. Also if I had more time I might have been able to put in some light background music. Something I struggled with in this interview was the volume. I was unable to fix the sound too much during my editing so in the video nothing is very loud.

Documentary Review 1

Interviewee 2

Film D.P. 2

The documentary I chose to watch for my documentary review assignment was Brothers In War. This is a film about the Vietnam War and more specifically about Charlie company which was the last group of soldiers sent to Vietnam for the war efforts. This takes you through the lives of those in Charlie company and how all of their days were in Vietnam. They talk about all of the battles they were in, what it was like to be around all of those caught in the middle of the fighting, and what it was like fighting an "invisible enemy." One of my favorite things anyone said in this movie was how when they got to Vietnam they all realized that war was nothing like the movies.

    In this documentary they interviewed everyone from Charlie company that made it back from Vietnam. These men were Jack Benedict, John Bradfield, Steve Hopper, Larry Lilley, Herb Lind, Gary Maibach, Terry McBride, Willie McTear, James Nall, Bill Reynolds, Richard Rubio, John Sclimenti, and John Young. The narrator in this documentary was Charlie Sheen. I believe the use of the narrator in the film was important because he helped move the story along and give plenty of good background information for the viewers. 

     While watching this documentary I noticed many things that were similar to what we are learning how to do. A few examples of this is the rule of thirds during the interview shots, the bottom third that tells you who the person is that is being interviewed, and the B-roll that covers up the transitions and makes the documentary flow really smooth. So overall I think that it is really cool to see professionals using many of the same techniques that we are using and learning about in this class.

With the second time being I interviewed I felt like I did better with being more professional and trying to make it easy on the editor. I also felt very comfortable while being interviewed. All of the questions felt smooth and the interview flowed very smoothly. So all in all I believe this interview went better than my first time being interviewed.

I have not yet received the second video of me being the one that films the interview. Although I have not received the video I believe I have improved upon my first time filming. With this interview I learned how to put on the mic on the camera which I didn't know how to do for the first interview. Also I learned how to adjust lighting. For example I learned how to add a little more gold lighting.

Interview 1.2

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